Thursday, December 03, 2009


Still working on it. Mommying is a lot of time! But this is also to say that the last deadline extension for sending reviews for Galatea Resurrects will be this coming Monday, Dec. 7. Isn't that great that you reviewers have another weekend to attempt to finish yours?!

Meanwhile, here's Michael above and below with Achilles and wearing his brand spankin' new FRONTRUNNER t-shirt! What's FRONTRUNNER Toi asks? It signifies that he is now among the fastest-runners of a mile in his P.E. class! Isn't that special?! I think his latest time is something like 6 minutes, 27 seconds. That's quite an improvement because he began the semester 4 months ago running an over 8-minute mile!

It's just great to see a child blossom. Michael is a child who knows neglect. Now, he knows Mama Moi and moithinks he loves the experience despite my math tutorials! What a great kid! I need no Holiday Gift besides what I already have:

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